Peter Mörtenböck

Peter Mörtenböck

Peter Mörtenböck is Professor of Visual Culture at the Vienna University of Technology and visiting researcher at Goldsmiths College, University of London, where he has initiated the Networked Cultures project (, a global research platform focusing on translocally connected spatial practices. His current work explores the interaction of such practices with resource politics, global economies and urban transformation. He has written numerous essays on contemporary art, bottom-up urbanism and collaborative forms of spatial production that have appeared in international journals such as Grey Room, Architectural Research Quarterly and Third Text.

Together with Helge Mooshammer, he has authored and edited numerous books, including, amongst others, Visuelle Kultur (2003), Cruising: Architektur, Psychoanalyse und Queer Cultures (2005), Networked Cultures: Parallel Architectures and the Politics of Space (2008), Netzwerk Kultur: Die Kunst der Verbindung in einer globalisierten Welt (2010), Space (Re)Solutions: Intervention and Research in Visual Culture (2011), Occupy: Räume des Protests (2012) and the two forthcoming volumes Other Markets (2014) and Informal Market Worlds (2014). Their research and curatorial work has been presented, amongst others, at the Whitechapel Gallery London, the Nederlands Architecture Institute Rotterdam, Storefront for Art and Architecture New York, Proekt Fabrika Moskau, Santral Istanbul, Gasworks London, Architekturzentrum Vienna, Israeli Center for Digital Art, Trafo Gallery Budapest, Toronto Free Gallery and the Venice Biennale.

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